Scott Strong
March 2015
Cardiovascular ICU
Oregon Health & Science University
United States




Scott was the Charge Nurse on the CVICU on the night when an intubated and sedated newly postpartum patient was admitted to the unit. While the patient was being stabilized and cared for by the primary nurse, Scott recognized the need to address the question of breastfeeding. With no knowledge of how to even begin the process, he contacted the L&D unit to ask how to facilitate breastfeeding on the patient should she want it. Scott was able to speak with the patient's significant other who stated that they had, in fact, planned on breastfeeding their newborn. Scott worked with L&D to obtain a breast pump and education for the primary nurse and early breastfeeding was initiated. On the CVICU we very rarely see OB/Gyn patients, and having an intubated and sedated newly postpartum patient hardly ever happens. In the ICU, we focus on the breathing tube and the ventilator, IV medications and vital signs, patient stabilization and improvement - ICU things. That fact that Scott recognized this very important patient-specific matter shows me that he was looking beyond the typical ICU care and focusing on the patient's big picture. And what an awesome thing he facilitated for this patient, her husband and their baby.