December 2016
Cohen Children's Medical Center
New Hyde Park
United States




In October of 2016, I was working my scheduled shift in the NICU. This was a day I will remember for the balance of my days on this earth for I, the nurse, became someone in great need as I received the most devastating news a mother could hear. The news that my son died. Upon hearing the news of the tragic death of my son, I fell to the ground sobbing only tears a mother could shed for the bond of mother and child is one that is not only precious and sacred but beautiful and eternal. I don't recall those that helped me into the wheelchair outside but what I do recall was being asked who my supervisor was. I could only think of one person, one woman, who I needed at that very moment. This person was Deb Lawrence. As the tears streamed from my eyes, as my body shuddered with grief, as my ability to stand evaded me, as nausea and anguish took over my heart and soul, as my power to be strong and in control slipped away from me, I became the cared for rather than the caretaker. I was the person in need of great care and compassion. I became a patient.
Like a beacon in the night, I felt the warmth of Deb's hands as she placed them upon me and pulled me into a moment of understanding and calm. I wept as she embraced me for her words were not simply profound but they reached me. Her compassion and empathy surpassed anything I could have imagined. I felt her genuine care not simply as my leader but as someone whose genuine and previous care was what offered me solace. Not only did she care for me but she and our leadership team ensured that I had clergy to also help me through this very moment and this was exceptionally important to me as my faith is a large part of who I am and what I believe. I had the privilege of being cared for by my other amazing members of our leadership team this day, but Deb ensured then, as she continues to do so, that I am cared for and that I am caring for myself. Her nursing and professionalism, as well as her great compassion and genuine care, are the epitome of a great CCMC Nurse!
I have had the privilege of working under Deb for over 6 years now. She is not simply an exceptional leader but one that leads by example and truly ensures the well-being of all those she encounters. She continually excels in going above and beyond for our patients and our staff without hesitation.
I simply want to state that without someone such as Deb Lawrence in that moment at that time of my life, I cannot say that my recovery from this most anguishing time would be as it is. Her words resonate with me to this very moment. In moments of extreme sadness and pain where I feel lost and broken, I recall her compassionate words and they enable me to face another second, another minute, another hour and yes, another day. As nurses, we often care for others without hesitation and sometimes even without regard for ourselves but in that very moment on that day, I became the one that was in great need of care. Though there were several who I am indebted to from this day, Deb made a difference in my life and truly probably doesn't even know the impact she has made, for her humbled and compassionate ways are simply who she is on an everyday basis.