Zacharia (Zac) Ankiambom
March 2024
Zacharia (Zac)
UM Capital Region Health
United States




Zac spent all of his shift working so hard to alleviate my pain and always called the doctor and advocated for me during very tough times.
Zac was working on the 9th floor before transferring to the ICU when this nomination letter was written.

Zac is the best nurse I’ve ever had.  I’ve had Zac as my nurse many times during multiple hospitalizations on multiple floors.  I had three emergency spine surgeries.  I was in absolute agony after one of the surgeries.  Zac spent all of his shift working so hard to alleviate my pain and always called the doctor and advocated for me during very tough times.  The shift after my spine surgery was one of the worst nights of my life.  Zac spent hours in my room, alongside the night shift doctor and other providers, trying to manage my pain.  He was so amazing, and I will forever be grateful. 

Of all the nurses I’ve ever met, which is hundreds, from working as a paramedic and being a patient, he deserves the DAISY Award more than anyone.  I can share many more amazing stories about Zac because he ALWAYS went way above and beyond ALWAYS!  I am incredibly grateful for him!