Vince Susa
March 2023
UW Health-American Family Children's Hospital
United States




​​​​​​​Vince is the reason we held it together when our world was falling apart.
We recently spent 24 days in the hospital. We had a lot of great nurses over those weeks, but one sticks out to us.

Vince was with us on some of our most difficult days in the PICU. He watched us sob as we held our son’s hand begging for a miracle. Vince helped intubate our son when his breathing took a turn for the worst. Vince was in the room when the attending physician told me our son had a detestation g pulmonary hemorrhage and he’s the nurse who requested health services to come in when the weight of everything was too heavy for my husband and me. We watched Vince gently move our son every 4 hours so he wouldn’t get bed sores, Vince organized all our son’s lines and got him cozy with his snuggly blankets, Vince gave meds and advocated for more when our son seemed unsettled. Vince moved our son out of the PICU and came to visit him on his lunch break the day before our son was discharged. Vince not only cared for our son but for my husband and me.

Vince is the reason we held it together when our world was falling apart. We are forever thankful for Vince. For his skilled nursing and his empathetic care. Vince is the best of the best!