Twumwaa Ofosu
May 2022
Inpatient Dialysis
Veterans Affairs Northeast Ohio Healthcare System
United States




...she told me every hour I cut my time is another hour I have shortened my life. I thought about that all that day.
The goal of the nurse is to deliver optimum patient care that results in positive patient outcomes. The nurse “wears many hats” or embodies many roles. The nurse is a caregiver, a decision-maker, a communicator, an advocator, a counselor, a change agent, and an educator. The role of patient educator is a significant part of the nurse’s job. It empowers the patient in becoming an active participant in their care, making those decisions that improve outcomes and the patient experience. Ms. Twumwaa Ofosu RN exemplified this role. 
We have a patient that has refused to stay his entire treatment from the day he started his dialysis here. We have tried education, speaking with his family, sending the MD to his bedside, and even bribery. Today when 3 hours of his 4-hour treatment approached, he didn’t ask to come off the machine. I checked his blood pressure and did a quick assessment; he was okay. After 4 hours of treatment, we took him off the machine. As I walked with him to the scale, he said, “ You know that new Nurse put something on my mind; that's why I did my whole treatment!” I asked what she said, and he replied “she told me every hour I cut my time is another hour I have shortened my life. I thought about that all that day.” Thank you Twumwaa Ofosu! Providing education related to potential consequences of non-adherence enabled the veteran to make a positive decision regarding his care.