Tina Valeska
December 2018
IV Therapy
UPMC Passavant
Cranberry Township
United States




The IV Department took care of a patient who had a 2-month admission. She had a PICC line that became occluded every couple of days requiring x-rays to confirm placement and medication to de-clot the line. Realizing the patient was being exposed to radiation from frequent x-rays, the increased risk of infection administering multiple doses of de-clotting medication, and the cost associated with administering the medication and x-rays, Tina decided to think "outside the box" and talk with the physician group to try a different treatment course. She worked with the care team, pharmacy, Clinician, and staff on 5PAV to initiate a treatment that included locking the PICC with Heparin after each administration of medication to try and prevent the catheter from clotting.
Tina personally spoke with unit staff on multiple occasions throughout the remainder of the patient's hospitalization to be sure they understood the proper way to administer the medication and answer any questions the staff may have about this alternative treatment. She also spoke to the patient and her mother to explain the rationale for the new treatment. They appreciated her explanation and agreed to it.
After this treatment was initiated the patient did not require any further doses of the de-clotting agent, unnecessary x-rays to confirm PICC line placement, and did not have to have the PICC line replaced. She was able to receive all needed treatments throughout the remainder of her stay.