Tierra Robinson
February 2020
Holy Cross Hospital
United States




My nurse is special because she is always on time to help me when I needed her. Even when I didn't need her, Tierra, came into my room, checking on me all the time, making sure I was okay. Tierra made sure I got my medication on time, I did not have to call her, she was right on time. I just want to say Thank you!
May father in heaven thank you for all you do for me and my family. God bless the nurse that helped me all the way until I got out of the hospital. Tierra is the best nurse I had. I come to the hospital so much that I know all the nurses and doctors, too! She respected me all the time and talked to me in a respectful way. When it was time for Tierra to go home I did not want her to go. She is a very good worker.
Thank you, love you!