Taylor Overstreet
April 2021
Oncology and Observation Units
University Hospital
United States




Taylor is an excellent resource to the entire system and works tirelessly to promote positivity and teamwork.
There are so many examples of Taylor Overstreet's extraordinary skills and leadership. Taylor is a positive light for our service line, always working to recognize staff and help others. I am often surprised at what she can accomplish, but I shouldn't be, she always finds a way.

She is an excellent patient advocate. When a patient could not be released from the hospital for life-threatening reasons, he was incredibly upset he couldn't attend his brother's funeral. Taylor arranged for another coworker to bring in a tablet to send home with the patient's family member. She set up a practice Zoom and a funeral Zoom and worked with his family and the funeral home so the patient could attend his brother's funeral via Zoom.

She led our team in fundraising over $1500 so our unit could sponsor 2 Christmas families. Two families with children affected by cancer got gifts at Christmas time due to her efforts.

Taylor also helped coordinate getting a patient married before transferring them to the ICU and being intubated, as it was one of their final wishes. She also arranged a recognition walk where one of our long-term beloved “frequent flyer” patients was discharged to hospice with staff lining the hallways and sent them out with fire trucks and police cars. She arranged all this in less than 12 hours.

She worked with legal to get a compassion Visa granted for a patient's daughter in Guatemala to visit her terminal mother who was on our unit. When another patient took a quick turn for the worse, she worked with patient experience to get exceptions so he could have a last visit with his family. She also worked with the primary team to get a Palliative Care consult so the patient could be comfortable and stayed at the patient's bedside to ensure the patient was comfortable and the patient family had all the support they needed even after the patient passed. Taylor planned, coordinated, and worked with a multidisciplinary team to present house-wide education that helps ensure patient comfort, offered staff resources, and decreased hospital mortality.

Taylor has worked with EMR, IT, and billing to start a new reimbursement to improve financial performance. When three of our long-term patients were tired of hospital food, she arranged for a pizza party and ordered them pizza so they could have something different. Another patient was upset with a dietary change to auto tray and the lack of options, Taylor ordered him a steak sandwich and went it picked it up and delivered it to him.

Taylor is an excellent resource to the entire system and works tirelessly to promote positivity and teamwork. In the past months, Taylor has been recognized for going to SICU and easily accessing a 20-year-old port and going to MICU and working with them to care for extravasation while dealing with a hazardous exposure. She has volunteered to cover calls and shifts to help give her peers breaks. She willingly changes her schedule to best meet the needs of the service line. She works extra shifts to make sure staff are oriented and trained correctly. Taylor is an incredible leader and a huge asset to MUHC.