Tammy Ruths
October 2020
Centralized Staffing
Blessing Hospital




Tammy worked alongside the team to contact the doctor (after hours) to see if there was anything MORE that could be done.
While working the COVID hotline Tammy received a call at 7:32 pm from a very emotional caller. The caller explained that her mother was in a nursing home and was not doing well. Someone in her household was pending a COVID test, and so she was not allowed to see her mother, who was not likely going to make it much longer. Tammy reached out to the Blessing Hospital testing site to see if a Biofire test could be completed for the quickest possible results. Tammy worked alongside the team to contact the doctor (after hours) to see if there was anything MORE that could be done. Tammy was then informed that verification from the nursing home staff was needed for the mother's condition to be deemed as critical as stated by the caller. Tammy obtained permission from the caller to speak to nursing home staff and the nursing home LPN confirmed that the resident was in very critical condition and declining. The priest was performing last rites as Tammy spoke to the LPN and 2 of the siblings were already there alongside the mother.
Tammy was able to help this patient get approved for the needed test! She called the very tearful, but very grateful woman at 7:47 pm and informed her to head to the testing site for her rapid test.