Tami McCombs
September 2018
RN, BSN, Mentor, Preceptor, Charge Nurse, NRP Instructor
Obstetrics / Labor & Delivery
UnityPoint Health- Methodist
United States




I had an induction of labor for my baby who I miscarried at 15 weeks. This was a devastating experience for me. Tami really helped me get through it. She was there through my delivery. She helped to calm me down when I realized I was bleeding.
Shortly after my baby was born, we realized he passed away because his umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck. I know it wasn't hurting him anymore, but it was really bothering my husband and I. Tami ever so gently unwrapped his cord and made him look so much better. She also spent a lot of time getting his footprints for us. She wanted the footprints to look as good as possible so we could have as many things as we could to remember him. This really helped me to know that our baby and our experience was important to her.
After the delivery, my placenta got stuck and the doctor had to remove it. This was the most physical pain I've ever been through. Tami was right by my side, letting me squeeze her hand, reminding me to breathe through the pain, and telling me what a great job I was doing. She will never know how much she helped me that night. I am indebted to her for helping me get through that without pain medication. I was so afraid if I took anything for the pain, I wouldn't remember my precious baby's birth story.