Stephen Snyder, Jr.
October 2019
Trauma Surgical ICU
WellSpan York Hospital
United States




My dad was admitted to the ICU and Stephen Snyder came in and introduced himself. Then he checked my dad's eyes. He had to open them during this time. He spoke to my dad as if he knew my dad, in a compassionate way. My brother, sister, and I had to make a difficult decision to take our dad off life support. Stephen explained everything and the steps of how the process goes and what to expect. During this entire time, Stephen was letting my dad know what was happening, and he was always making sure my dad was comfortable, as well as our family. Stephen was there the entire time after the breathing tube was taken out.
My siblings had to get back to work; so, I stayed with my dad until the coroner arrived at my dad's room. Stephen was there for everything. Words cannot express the gratitude and appreciation I have that Stephen was my dad's nurse. He was very kind to my dad as well to me, my siblings, and our preachers. I cannot say thank you enough to Stephen and for the outstanding care he provides to his patients and their families during a very difficult time.