Stephanie O'Connell
February 2023
St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center
United States




Stephanie would simply set about her day tending to us all, checking in and opening all the silly lids I could not conquer on my own.
While I was in the care of Stephanie, she did so much for me in such small ways, I imagine it would be easy for some to say, "Well that's simply the role of a good nurse." I would be greeted every morning with breakfast, questions, check-ups, and all the other steps to wellness.

While excited about my meals, I struggled to open my array of different containers. Stephanie would simply set about her day tending to us all, checking in and opening all the silly lids I could not conquer on my own. She saw the struggles of her team and found better-fitting equipment and solutions for my comfort and my care. Fixing all these pieces without being asked displays a level of attentive awareness we should all strive to achieve. Thank you, Stephanie.