Shen Danping
November 2019
Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University
Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province




Shen Danping is a nurse at PACU. She is also a preceptor and new nurses loves her. She helps with their effective transition into the work environment. She was always there for them. When they were sick, she covered them and gave them something to feel better. When events occurred, she helped them to improve the system instead of just blaming themselves. She recognized them for even the slightest progress. Danping knew how stressful the first year for new nurses could be and she tried her best to support them physically and emotionally. Her colleagues believe that Danping is the sun warming them all the time.
Danping showed new nurses how to be a good nurse through daily work. One day, we sent the patient back to the unit at midnight. Nursing staff in the unit was busy at that time and only the patient's daughter was there. It was not easy to move a male patient of that big size. And we found that he stooled on the gurney. Without hesitation, Danping cleaned the patient, moved him to the bed and connected a cardiac monitor. She thanked his daughter for her calmness and help, and then she handed him over to the unit nurse. On the way back to PACU, Danping said: "Life is not easy for everyone. We were tired then, but the patient and family needed us more. We can bring them courage to face illness and pain, bring them warmth, which makes our work valuable." I was touched by the sincerity and warmth Danping gave to patient and family.
So this is Danping, a nurse at PACU who always implement our hospital's philosophy "Giving you sincerity, confidence and love" in her life.