March 2022
Sheila Rose
PeaceHealth Sacred Heart Medical Center University District
United States




Sheila never stopped advocating for this patient and she is still alive because of Sheila.
Sheila was assigned a very sick patient. She came in by ambulance was obviously very sick. Sheila never left her bedside and became the advocate she needed when the patient started to rapidly decompensate. Sheila made the patient comfortable and event talked to her to try and calm her nerves while she was being intubated. Sheila even stayed after her shift to ensure that the patient was getting the care she deserved and made sure we were all made aware of the situation so she could feel comfortable going home. I honestly don't think she would have had we not rallied with her and the patient to give the patient outstanding care. This patient left UDED on a vaso, epi and levo drip and was an ED to ED transfer due to lack of beds and a consulting problem. Sheila never stopped advocating for this patient and she is still alive because of Sheila.