Shannon Pancoast
March 2022
Diabetes Services
University Hospital
United States




When the patient became unconscious, Shannon started CPR compressions and care for the patient until EMS arrived.
She was the first responder to a code incident at the Summerville professional building with a patient who had a hypoglycemic event with her diabetes. She was the nurse who first found the patient on the floor outside of the outpatient office and was alert then but lost consciousness. She assessed her blood sugar as it was in the 50s. She started treatment for hypoglycemia before she became unconscious. This diabetes patient also had an insulin pump and Shannon noticed that and suspended the pump delivering more insulin to the patient. When the patient became unconscious, she started CPR compressions and care for the patient until EMS arrived and helped until the patient was stable for transport to the hospital. She was the main nurse/individual who helped save the patient’s life.