Scott Rivera
January 2019
Surgical Intensive Care Unit (SICU)
UC Irvine Medical Center
United States




Scott truly embodies the qualities of what it means to be an outstanding nurse, patient advocate, and supportive team member. Scott begins every shift with a positive attitude and a smile on his face and always stays positive regardless of whatever challenges lay ahead that day. While it became clear to me on our first shift together that Scott is an expert in the field of critical care nursing and pathophysiology, it is his calm demeanor and kindness that have truly stood out to me.
I specifically recall one instance when Scott was assigned a trauma patient that had recently been extubated on our shift following surgery. He was in a lot of pain from the trauma and had just been given the maximum amount of pain medication that was ordered by the physician. We had to reposition the patient and Scott explained this to the patient before we did so. As we were both standing on either side of the bed and preparing to reposition him, the patient's eyes began to water and he looked up at the ceiling with wide eyes and a look that exhibited extreme fear and anxiety. Scott immediately recognized this, stopped, and began to talk to the patient in a calm voice. Since the patient's throat was still sore after extubation making it difficult for him to speak. Scott patiently talked to him about his anticipation of the pain and guided the patient through deep breathing exercises, reassuring him while also breathing in and out together with the patient. Scott never tried to rush the patient, but instead focused on making the patient feel safe and calm. Soon after Scott's intervention, the patient's face became visibly calmer and he agreed to let us reposition him as he practiced the deep breathing technique. Once we were done, he looked at Scott with gratitude and relief. I have witnessed Scott provide this type of exceptional care to many other patients and their families and I feel so fortunate to have had him as a preceptor. Scott consistently upholds UCI Medical Center's philosophy of providing safe, competent, and compassionate patient care.
In addition, Scott is an outstanding teacher who teaches with enthusiasm and positivity. At every possible chance, he worked to help me improve my critical thinking skills and helped me develop the ability to assess the overall patient picture instead of becoming solely task-oriented. He would always demonstrate the best evidence-based practice in patient care to me and emphasized the importance of incorporating these actions into my own practice to improve patient outcomes. He has been an incredible role model to me as a student nurse and I will strive to attain his level of expertise, kindness, and compassion as I begin my career as a new nursing graduate, thank you again for allowing me to precept with him.