Sarah Pelayo
July 2017
Cardiac Telemetry
St. Joseph's Hospitals and South Florida Baptist Hospital
United States




Sarah is an amazing nurse, whom I had the privilege of working with for three years. During this time, I was able to observe and experience firsthand what a tremendous impact she has on her patients, coworkers, and the culture around her. Everything she does is done with sincerity, compassion, and an unflinching smile that is contagious to everyone she encounters. Recently, I switched units, where we routinely send and receive patients to and from the unit she works. In this new role, I get to see Sarah's impact from a different perspective. It is in the form of meticulously performed procedural preparations and checklists, calm, comforted patients, and grateful family members who are full of praise and thanks for "the angel upstairs" looking after their loved one. For moments like this, and the countless others that enrich the lives of her patients, family members, loved ones, team members, and all she encounters, Sarah is a true DAISY Nurse.