Santos Alvarez
November 2022
Cardiac Surgical Progressive Care
Cone Health Moses Cone Hospital
United States




Santos was so kind and thorough with my husband’s post-surgery check.
RN Santos took care of my husband when he came to the floor from surgery. Santos was so kind and thorough with my husband’s post-surgery check. He asked many questions to understand his needs and performed physical checks. He assured my husband’s safety throughout his shift. He was present when providing care and answering our questions. Santos has a caring soul, and it shows in his work. I am a 20-year CNA and have been in and out of hospitals with family members. I’ve never encountered an RN with the care and compassion that Santos gave to my husband and myself.

At one point my husband’s BP dropped, and immediately he was on it. And within minutes his BP was coming up and his color was returning to his face. I had to take this opportunity to let the medical team/staff know how grateful we are to have Santos caring for my husband and me. Thank you for allowing me to share this with you. I would also like to add our appreciation to all the staff on 4E for their care and attention when providing services. My husband told me the night shift was just as good. He said he would recommend this motel to anyone.