Samantha Pincenti
September 2020
Tower 3
Advocate Condell Medical Center
United States




Samantha Pincenti is a hard working dedicated nurse on Tower 3. She started her journey at Condell in early 2019. Samantha is a true asset to our unit. Not only does she provide great patient care, but she is also a preceptor, a resource for other nurses, and an active member of various unit based committees. Samantha is not afraid to advocate for her patients' care or their safety. We are extremely lucky to call Samantha a fellow team member and a friend.
Her patients provided examples of exemplary care:
"I will never forget the experience I have had watching this nurse care for me. I know she is a professional but to me, it couldn't have been more personal. She was my nurse, my friend, my strength, and my inspiration. She exceeds your standard of excellence in nursing and a shining example of what it means to b e a nurse in the days of COVID-19. I humbly and gratefully nominate this nurse."
Another quote:
"She has proven that she is more than a nurse and an employee. She risked her life by hugging me as I cried, staying with me knowing a higher risk of COVID is present. She displayed her bravery which made me want to also be brave. I don't think I would have made it through that night if she wasn't there by my side. She risked her LIFE for a complete stranger and did it with pride in herself, her staff, her company, and without ever thinking of herself."