Sada Parish
January 2020
Labor & Delivery
Winchester Medical Center
United States




From the beginning, Sada was warm and friendly and attentive to our needs. Sada, however, is so much more than warm and friendly and helpful and attentive; she is a real-life hero. Sada sacrificed her own wellbeing for our baby.
My labor was progressing quickly but the baby's heart rate would keep dropping. Sada noticed this and took steps to rectify the problem. Then, when Sada was checking my cervix she felt the cord and immediately told the doctor so the necessary steps could be taken to correct the problem and save my baby's life. Sada rode the bed so she could keep the pressure off the cord. At one point, she had to get off the bed and her foot was run over by the bed. Sada, ignoring her own pain, continued to work feverishly to save my baby and never left me.
I know that in combat when soldiers are wounded and continue the fight they are awarded medals. Sada, who is a nurse and not a soldier, displayed soldier-like courage and bravery in the face of peril. Peril that was not her own.
Sada exemplifies service, honor, loyalty, and compassion. She is a credit to her family, her unit, this hospital, and the nursing profession. She is a true DAISY Nurse.
I will forever be thankful for the care I received from Sada during the delivery and birth of my daughter!