Rowena Olson
December 2020
Banner Children's at Desert




Rowena saw ALL of my daughter: the patient, the child, and the 9-year-old girl. After that, she helped my daughter fix the doll with dressings and gauze on her back, like my daughter, a tiny IV she fixed up to look like my daughter's also.
My daughter, who is 9 years old, came into the PICU after having surgery to correct an 84-degree curve caused by scoliosis. We received excellent care from all of the nurses. But, by day three, my daughter was done with all the shots, IVs, blood pressure checks, and the like. The night nurse, Rowena, came to us. My daughter had been very quiet and not happy. I had just gotten out to the bathroom from a shower and I heard my daughter laughing and talking away- chit chat! I looked over to find Rowena playing with her and her new doll, which is dressed in a patient gown also. My daughter asked Rowena if she could make her doll look more like her. Rowena took the time to get to know my daughter, talk with her. Rowena saw ALL of my daughter: the patient, the child, and the 9-year-old girl. She saw and treated my daughter as her own family. After that, she helped my daughter fix the doll with dressings and gauze on her back, like my daughter, a tiny IV she fixed up to look like my daughter's also. So, by the time Rowena needed to start her work with my daughter, my little girl was so at ease and happy to let her do the work. Rowena also shared with me she had been a night nurse for 20 years! Telling me she never even wanted to switch to days because she knew she was needed. And, I thought how selfless that was! I really believe that if Rowena would not have come to see my daughter, that her time in the hospital would have been a difficult memory. But, we will look back on this time and remember Nurse Rowena and her kindness that turned my little girl's world around.