Robinson Pedron
January 2021
Med/Surg Telemetry
University of Maryland Medical Center, Midtown Campus




Robin can make even the direst situations appear surmountable.
I remain in awe of Robin, who after 30 years of experience working as a bedside nurse, has perhaps one of the happiest countenance that you will encounter. He has cultivated a spirit of optimism and an attitude of happiness that is inspiring, infectious, and endearing. Robin can make even the direst situations appear surmountable. It is this consistent positive attitude of "we can do this" that spills over fostering an environment of teamwork.
Robin arrives every day at work greeting his fellow staff members with his signature "Good morning," which entices a smile out of even the most irritable of hearts. Additionally, he is and has always been the voice of reason and a calming presence even when dealing with the most difficult of patients. Robin is who I aspire to be more like, and I am sure that if we all adopted even just a tenth of his wonderfully cheerful disposition of approaching each day with a positive outlook, we could lighten the load of pessimism.