Robin Sieger
December 2019
Intensive Care Unit
Sarasota Memorial Hospital
United States




Robin has been working the night shift for many years. She is an amazing preceptor for new staff and interns. She is patient and kind and enforces quality of care with the people she trains. She remembers everyone's birthday and will bring in cake and coffee to celebrate. Robin helped me through my ICU internship and has been a great mentor and I will be forever grateful for all she has taught me.
From the bedside to her amazing teamwork, Robin is the glue that holds the night shift together! When I see Robin on for the night, I know the unit will be successful.
Robin has been a nurse in our CVICU for many years and has shown compassion, caring, and is the best bath-giver a patient ever received in the hospital. Robin shares her many years of experience with all her peers, new interns, and new hires. She is very knowledgeable, and we are very fortunate to have Robin a part of our team.
Robin and I cared for a terminally ill woman. When I realized just how much time and care she spent brushing and styling the patient's hair, bathing her, playing music for her - I was blown away! She went above and beyond to comfort a family through a time of loss and provided this patient with such dignity. I am proud and grateful to have her on my team!
Robin is always welcoming to new staff and is patient and kind. She takes some of the toughest assignments and never utters a negative word.
Robin is competent, understanding, and very patient with her patients. She goes above and beyond to make sure her patients' needs are met. She promotes education on topics for the unit.