Riley Callahan Mayo
May 2022
Callahan Mayo
Lunder 9 Oncology
Massachusetts General Hospital
United States
Riley helped everyone gown/glove/eye cover, even trimming the gown for R's younger granddaughter.
Our patient, R, had been admitted to MGH for over a month when clear signs of decline declared themselves. His cancer was progressing, and complications were piling up. Riley was a regular presence over R's final two weeks at MGH. She was an advocate on his behalf - tirelessly advocating with the medical team for R's particular needs and really moving the ball forward regarding his care goals.
A specific day stands out to me: we had spent the morning meeting with R, talking to his family over the phone, talking to Palliative Care, talking to the primary team, re-grouping, lobbying for visitor exceptions, and talking some more. By the grace of our administration, R's young grandchildren were going to visit that evening. By all calculations this would be the last time they would see their grandfather. Riley organized the room, covered all the items that could be scary (drains, bags, devices) and spruced up R. She made sure he was medicated beforehand and ready to be the "Pappy" he hadn't been able to be for several weeks. When they arrived, Riley helped everyone gown/glove/eye cover, even trimming the gown for R's younger granddaughter. This moment is what gets me. If it needed to be done, Riley was ready to do it with a kindness and patience that cannot be surpassed. She stayed nearby for the duration of their visit and detected when R's symptoms were starting to rise, doing what she could while visitors were there, then tending to his needs immediately upon their exit. I truly think she made a dream come true that day, and just as importantly helped facilitate a healthier grief and bereavement for his family going forward. Riley's attentiveness to patient and family needs regularly goes above and beyond the minimum necessary around here, and I am ever grateful she is my colleague.
A specific day stands out to me: we had spent the morning meeting with R, talking to his family over the phone, talking to Palliative Care, talking to the primary team, re-grouping, lobbying for visitor exceptions, and talking some more. By the grace of our administration, R's young grandchildren were going to visit that evening. By all calculations this would be the last time they would see their grandfather. Riley organized the room, covered all the items that could be scary (drains, bags, devices) and spruced up R. She made sure he was medicated beforehand and ready to be the "Pappy" he hadn't been able to be for several weeks. When they arrived, Riley helped everyone gown/glove/eye cover, even trimming the gown for R's younger granddaughter. This moment is what gets me. If it needed to be done, Riley was ready to do it with a kindness and patience that cannot be surpassed. She stayed nearby for the duration of their visit and detected when R's symptoms were starting to rise, doing what she could while visitors were there, then tending to his needs immediately upon their exit. I truly think she made a dream come true that day, and just as importantly helped facilitate a healthier grief and bereavement for his family going forward. Riley's attentiveness to patient and family needs regularly goes above and beyond the minimum necessary around here, and I am ever grateful she is my colleague.