Rhonda Robinson
March 2024
Tanner Medical Center-Carrollton
United States




Rhonda made it a bit easier, and that made all the difference.
When we arrived to be induced with our baby, the last thing in our mind was that he would be born and then spend his stay in the NICU. We were devastated. I, his mother, was a total wreck. However, when we were finally able to see him in the NICU, we met his nurse, Rhonda. Not only was she taking amazing care of our son, but she really helped my mommy heart, seeing how much of a "mother bear" disposition she had about our boy. My tears were fewer when I left to go rest in my room because she helped me see what great hands he was in. That first night without him was hard. Rhonda made it a bit easier, and that made all the difference. Our family will never forget her.