Regina Ricks
May 2021
Medical Observation & BH holding area
Atrium Health Carolinas Medical Center




Regina Ricks, RN was there to care for him, protect him and nurture him. And that night, that was all he needed.
Just moments after a young man was admitted to the unit, it became clear this young serviceman was in need of support and compassion. We did not know much about the patient other than he was learning to serve our country and presented with altered mental status. We found his dog tags in his belongings and oriented him to the unit. He was introduced to his primary nurse for that night, Regina Ricks, who would keep him safe and take care of him.

Shortly after we tucked him into bed, he became paranoid, frightened, restless, frustrated... this new place was strange to him. All the sounds and sights were scary to him. All the strangers were intimidating to him. Instead of immediately turning to the prescribed medications to help the patient calm down, Regina stepped up to his bedside and listened.

Regina was in the room alone with the patient for almost an hour. Her other six patients were well taken care of, and Regina dedicated almost sixty entire minutes of her shift simply listening to this patient. Her soothing, calm, maternal voice was calming to the patient. She had no problem repeatedly assuring the patient that he was safe in his room, in this hospital, and under her care. She continued to remind him that his mistakes did not define him. She told him the people he surrounded himself with did not change the strong, brave young man he always has been. She was silent and present when he spoke of his regrets and his fears. She spoke when he looked to her for reassurance.

Any healthcare worker can imagine how busy the shift can be in the hospital at night with seven patients. Dozens of medications to be administered, many tasks to be completed, seven assessments to be documented. But Regina took this coveted, limited amount of time to be present for this patient. She was his friend, his mother, his soldier, and his nurse at this moment.

Finally, this patient could rest, knowing he was safe, and someone cared about him. Regina Ricks, RN did not pass judgment on him. Regina Ricks, RN did not ignore him. Regina Ricks, RN did not dismiss him. Regina Ricks, RN was there to care for him, protect him and nurture him. And that night, that was all he needed.