Rebecca Rothfuss
January 2016
Oncology Unit
St. Vincent Indianapolis Hospital and Health Care Center
United States




Rebecca Rothfuss is an OUTSTANDING nurse. She has been my husband's nurse upon two different stays at St. Vincent Hospital. She goes above and beyond the call of duty. During the first stay my husband was having a lot of issues with nausea so she did a couple of aroma therapies till she found the one that worked for him. Rebecca listens to me about what medication he is intolerant to and what works best for nausea. She got to know him and what worked best for him as pain control as well as all other aspects of his care. When she is his nurse I know I can sleep at night with no worries about his treatment. My husband is terminal and at times he gets confused with all of the pain medication. She knew how to talk to him and redirect his confusion without making him feel stupid. He said that he is VERY comfortable with her and will always ask for her to be his nurse due to the comfort and safe feeling he gets from her as his caregiver.
Not only did she do a GREAT job with my husband she also was always concerned about me and made sure there was nothing I needed. Rebecca has been a huge comfort by reassuring me things that my husband is going through with his battle to live a little longer and fight his cancer are normal. She took care of me in this emotional and difficult time in my life. I know she will listen and talk to me about any of my concerns. She is an excellent advocate for my husband. She always asked about his pain level. His pain was uncontrollable with oral medication at 4 am and she didn't hesitate to call the doctor to get and order to place him on a pump so he could get relief.
Rebecca Rothfuss is a GREAT nurse and needs to be recognized for the care and comfort that she brings especially when the patient and family know that they are fighting a losing battle but the want more life and quality of life. We just want you to know that you have an AWESOME nurse on your staff. We would like to thank Rebecca Rothfuss for her love and kindness.