Rebecca Rochacz
April 2022
13 West
Rush University Medical Center
United States




Becca was empathetic and patient, helping our son move slowly out of bed and never showing frustration even when the whole unit was full and busy.
Our 30-year old son was hospitalized with excruciating back pain following a spinal fusion – his 3rd surgery in 18 months. When he was brought in by ambulance, he couldn’t walk, and couldn’t help screaming and crying every time he moved. After almost a week, the medical teams suspected that he had an infection, but didn’t know, and a biopsy resulted in a complication in which his artery was nicked and had to have an emergency repair. During this whole time, he was on heavy doses of painkillers and so was often confused and emotional. Becca was the nurse of our dreams. She was incredibly knowledgeable and efficient, appearing instantly every time an alarm rang or meds needed to be given, solving complicated equipment problems, and catching medication or other discrepancies. She was empathetic and patient, helping our son move slowly out of bed and never showing frustration even when the whole unit was full and busy. She gently supported our family through tough decisions, clarifying information when multiple specialists were in and out all the time. She encouraged us to ask questions while remaining completely professional and respectful of other staff. Because of all the medications and the trauma from the complications, our son (and we) sometimes repeated the same questions and stories several times each shift. Becca listened respectfully each time as if she never heard it before, laughed at our jokes, and offered to bring things to family members who were staying in the room 24/7. She stood out among a group of nurses who were all outstanding and was a constant reassuring presence through some very dark moments who made us feel like it would all end up OK. We could not be more grateful, and only wished she could be here for every single shift.