Rebecca Robinson
January 2021
Infectious Diseases Ward J20
Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust




Rebecca showed incredible care for the patient and was excellent at listening to him and addressing his needs which at this point were related to his general care rather than medical treatment.
I worked with Rebecca during my night-shifts and I was impressed by her outgoing attitude and attention to patient care during this shift. One patient was in a negative pressure room and Rebecca rang through on the phone to wish him a happy birthday (and tease him about his favourite team losing). Another patient on the ward was extremely unwell and although he was being actively treated it was clear he was approaching the end of life. The patient was, however, completely with it and aware that he was not getting better. I was asked to review this patient multiple times over my nightshifts and Rebecca showed incredible care for the patient and was excellent at listening to him and addressing his needs which at this point were related to his general care rather than medical treatment. This involved chatting to the patient and reassuring him about what was going on and regularly changing his sheets as he was bleeding (medical decision made not to treat bleeding source). She did this each of her night shifts no matter the time and with a positive attitude throughout it all. I think what was exceptional was not only her attention to her nursing duties (i.e. changing bed sheets) but also her manner and approach to the patient. Although I only worked for a few shifts with this nurse, I thought her approach was holistic and very caring.