Rachel Shipley
November 2023
Carroll Hospital
United States




During the day, not only did she do what had to be done for her patients but was helping all day with other patients.
In November our unit was short of nurses. Rachel Shipley was nice enough to come in on her day off to work a 12-hour day. During the day, not only did she do what had to be done for her patients but was helping all day with other patients. The following day Rachel was pulled to our unit again. In the very beginning of the day, she noticed a significant change in her patient, called a stroke alert to where the patient ended up in CCU. Rachel was able to keep up with her other patients despite having an emergency to start with. As the day went on, Rachel continued to help with other patients, from giving meds to bed strips to wound care. All in all, Rachel went above and beyond what she had to do on back-to-back days on a floor that was not hers.