Rachel Dowd
June 2020
Surgery Department
CHI Health Creighton University Medical Center- Bergan Mercy
United States




Rachel is one of the most amazing nurses that I have had the pleasure to work with. She has been a Registered Nurse for 27 years. During her career, Rachel has participated in numerous foreign mission trips in order to spread her unending love and compassion for those who are ill, injured, malnourished, or living in poverty. I have had the privilege to work with Rachel for the last 5 years in surgery. To me, Rachel is the 'Mother Teresa' of nursing. She is so compassionate and caring of every patient she encounters.
I have personally witnessed her care for a patient who was scheduled to have surgery. This patient spoke only Spanish. Rachel was the nurse for this patient. Of note, Rachel speaks a number of languages and Spanish is one of them. Rachel calmly spoke to her patient in Spanish, reassuring the patient and letting the patient know that she will be by her side the entire time. When we entered the OR, the patent was about to be drifted off to sleep. With one hand, Rachel gently rubbed her hand over the patient's forehead. With Rachel's other hand, she gently held the patient's hand. During this time Rachel softly whispered reassuring comments into the patient's ear. The anesthesiologist began giving the patient the necessary medications and the patient drifted off to sleep in a very peaceful manner. After the surgery was done, she assumed her position next to the patient. Again, Rachel gently held the patient's hand and massaged her forehead, all while whispering in the patient's ear that the surgery was finished and everything is going to be alright. The patient woke in a peaceful and calm manner. This was not an isolated occurrence for Rachel. Rather, Rachel does this for every patient of hers.
Furthermore, Rachel always checks the surgery schedule for the next day and looks for patients that she can translate for. If there is a patient that would benefit from having someone translate for them, while in surgery, Rachel consistently offers to do this for the patient.
Additionally, Rachel often prays with and over her patients. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic we are facing, Rachel has wholeheartedly jumped into any opportunity that she can that will benefit our patients, especially those who do not speak English. For example, Rachel sent her leaders the following, "Just as a reminder, I can work Mondays and I really feel blessed to be helping out on the floors and offer whatever relief to the staff and patients. There are a lot of Spanish speakers from packing plants and the Quinceanera who are doubly isolated by language. I had the opportunity to pray with a Spanish speaking patient during a bath. He was intubated but conscious. Though I couldn't remember the whole prayer, it was a moment I will never forget. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to do this work. I would love to be in the labor pool every day if that is a possibility. I cannot do their job, but I can supplement in small ways!"
Though Rachel considers this a small act of love, her impact is tremendous. For these reasons, Rachel is a true DAISY Nurse.