Presely Saratte
September 2021
Clinical Education, Practice and Infomatics
Kaiser Permanente Sacramento Medical Center
United States




Presely is a huge fan of employee engagement and likes to incorporate her vision along with staff input.
Presely is the essence of what a nurse really is. She is caring, kind, gracious, and above all, committed to our profession. Our Clinical Education team will miss her immensely and she will leave a footprint of dedication to not only our front-line nurses, but the impact she created as these nurses used her teachings to provide excellence of service for our patients and families. As Presely enters her next chapter in life, her presence at Kaiser Sacramento will not be forgotten. Presley has served with honor and dignity over these past years and rarely said no to get the work done, despite any barriers. She is always upbeat, steadily looked for the good in others, and never held a grudge. She consistently teaches with passion and commitment. Heaven only knows where her “can do attitude” will take her in retirement. She has been a rock to Kaiser Sacramento and has held many different hats over the years.

We admire her tenacity, the fact that everyone knows who she is, and her positivity is shown through her commitment to this organization. She has so much energy and love that you truly feel appreciated when you work with her. She leads by example, takes time out of her schedule to resolve any problems that may arise and makes sure that she listens to nurses’ concerns. She truly lives by the mantra of what it means to be a Caritas coach, and this is evident in how she relates to people.

Presely is a huge fan of employee engagement and likes to incorporate her vision along with staff input. She is very passionate about finding ways to get staff involved with policy reviews, quality improvement, recognition, etc. She loves feedback from staff and uses their feedback to improve our department. The staff does not feel like they are just being told how to operate but are considered valued team members. The knowledge and respect Presely holds is truly awesome. We want to thank her for being one of the best co-workers we have, a wonderful sounding board, a mentor, but most of all a true friend. She truly exemplifies a DAISY Honoree.