Nowreen Shah
August 2021
Hospital for Special Surgery
New York
United States




So many little thoughtful actions with a large impact.
My 16 year old son had spinal fusion surgery at HSS in July. Our visit spanned 5 nights and one half day. The level of care was amazing. From the first night in the PACU it was hard to sleep with other adults moaning in pain. My son was given a face mask and earplugs to help block out the noise. So many little thoughtful actions with a large impact. My son can't swallow pills so his pain regimen had to include crushed pills. To make it bearable the powder was given in vanilla pudding. There were so many tips given on how to move, roll, sit up, stand, etc. He was constantly reassured things will get better and that he is ok. Things were not easy but these wonderful people helped him with these deep experiences in care and post-surgery care. Besides the shock of pain felt after surgery there is the long and painful constipation that stems from anesthesia and pain medication. After several days of not voiding, my son had an accident after the enema. He was treated with dignity and that it was normal. I can't express how special these wonderful people are. My son was uncomfortable a lot and they made him comfortable. One person shared their family member was in the exact same room and is now strong, healthy, and playing sports. This made my son perk up and have hope. PACU nurses and PAs are outstanding.