Noreen Sullivan
November 2023
Case Manager
The Brooklyn Hospital Center
New York
United States




Noreen was very patient and caring toward the patient and would go out of her way to answer the patient's questions, calm her when she would get agitated or afraid, and comfort the patient when she was upset.
I work closely with Noreen Sullivan who is an RN Case Manager in the units we share. There are so many stories I could tell where Noreen's compassion, dedication, and professionalism really made a difference in the care of our patients and in their experience at the hospital. One recent instance was when a patient came to the unit who was diagnosed with dementia as well as psychosis. The patient had delusions and was paranoid/suspicious because she could not remember what she had been told, where her things were, etc. Noreen was very patient and caring toward the patient and would go out of her way to answer the patient's questions, calm her when she would get agitated or afraid, and comfort the patient when she was upset. The discharge plan for the patient was sub-acute rehab. We worked together to get the patient to a place where she would be well cared for. Noreen also went out of her way to answer questions the family had about the patient's treatment and discharge plan. The patient left the day before Noreen went on vacation, and as soon as she returned, she contacted the nursing facility to ask how the patient was adjusting. She recently sent a stuffed animal to the patient through the hospital liaison, and the patient sent a video of herself with it. The patient thanked Noreen and told her she still remembered Noreen and loved her. We follow the tenets of the "Heart of Connection" at the hospital, and Noreen embodies that philosophy every day!