Noël Poirier
March 2019
Maine Medical Center
United States




Our daughter J was born in February of 2016 with an acritical congenital heart defect that was missed on ultrasound. She then went on to develop a super rare secondary heart disease. All of this meant she had to endure two open heart surgeries, 10 heart catheterizations, around the clock medications, feeding tubes, endless testing, and long hospitalizations. So please understand that we know a ton of amazing nurses. Nurses have been true angels to us during this whole process. They are a huge part of why our daughter is still alive today. We LOVE nurses! Of the hundred plus nurses we've interacted with, there is one nurse in particular, that three years into this journey, whose name still brings tears to our eyes, Noël Poirier.
Noël was the first day nurse we had after the most traumatic day of our life. When J's heart defect was found they performed emergency open heart surgery on her 3 hours from diagnosis. We were hit by a freight train. We were told the first 24 hours after surgery were critical. We were immediately impressed with Noël's high acuity skills. She handled all of J's wires and tubes with astute precision. But a lot of nurses can do that, Noël didn't see J as a case before her. She saw her as we saw her, our 9 day old newborn. She lovingly made sure every part of J was comfortable. When J fussed, she had endless ways to try to soothe her. And she did it all with the sweetest tenderness. One day we came into a simple sign that Noël had made to go above her bed that said: "My Name is J". You see, her hospital bracelet still said "Baby Girl H". Noël made it her job for J to not just be just another baby, but a baby with a name. We have kept that sign as a treasured memento.
We have found that great nurses understand it truly is the little things that go the furthest. Noël also went above just her job to nurse J and provided healing to us. She provided so much companionship, joy, laughter, and strength in a time when we needed it the most. We also felt she always advocated for us. She truly listened to us and wanted us to feel good about anything related to J's care. J has 3 older siblings and when they would come to visit, she always made them feel special. She accommodated our visits with them. And as is the quality of all great nurses, she is tough! She didn't stand for J not getting full comfort, full attention, full care, or anything less than the best. Noël exemplifies quality and skillful nursing. She touched our lives forever and we will tell J about her the rest of our life.