Nikki Sathoff
June 2020
3G Med-Surg
Memorial Medical Center
United States




Nikki has compassion beyond measure! Nikki went above and beyond her nursing duties to help me get well. Just one example of her dedication is, calling for help to start a new heparin lock site. Nikki tried twice then called for help instead of putting me through unnecessary pain.
Also, I had a headache due to lack of caffeine because of diet restrictions. Medicine didn't help my headache. When I was allowed coffee, the hospital coffee didn't taste well. I still had this annoying headache. Nikki, without saying a word, bought me a coffee from the coffee shop downstairs. A few minutes later my headache was gone. I am grateful and thankful for nurses like Nikki.
During this difficult and trying time in our world, Nikki makes all worries seem like a simple fix. Nikki was always smiling behind her mask. She always offered a cheerful and happy attitude. Its nurses like Nikki that make being ill a little easier to bear the road to recovery. I am thankful and blessed.