Naomi Poole
February 2021
Labour Suite, QMC
Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust




I had the most beautiful water birth and I can only thank this to Naomi
Naomi Poole supported us during my whole labour and birth. Naomi was absolutely amazing, made sure we had everything we needed and that we followed my birth plan as much as was possible and safe.

I had to be induced so I thought I couldn't have the water birth I wished for but Naomi monitored me and my baby and my labour progressed beautifully, also she kept checking when the only pool in the hospital becomes available and as soon as it was free I was able to move rooms in time and about one hour later I had the most beautiful water birth and I can only thank this to Naomi who understood how important this was to me. We ended up ticking every box on our birth plan.
We will be forever thankful for what Naomi did for us. I felt safe and 100% supported and I knew I could trust Naomi and that my baby and I were in good hands Naomi went above and beyond for us although I am sure this is the way she does her job every day. Naomi is a truly amazing midwife.