Nancy S Ross
August 2023
Nancy S
Senior RN
Step Down Unit
Corewell Health South
St. Joseph
United States




Nancy didn't skip a beat, she flew through the department, asked for a report on the patients, and encouraged her team member to be with her family.
Nancy goes above and beyond every day that she works, and the pandemic was no exception. As a charge RN, she facilitates the "grand central station" in pre-op, directing surgeons, anesthesiologists, CRNA's, and nurses. She also coordinates each OR's timeline and assists with multiple conscious sedation procedures. Plus, mans the phones, calls patients, and orders medication supplies.

During the pandemic, the pre-op team embarked on a journey to continue OR cases while the hospital remained beyond its capacity day after day. This meant that any surgical patient who needed admission stayed within peri-op. Staffing was reworked to accommodate the shift and everyone leaned into the challenge- most of all Nancy.

On a particular high-volume day, an RN was scheduled and assigned to care for yesterday's surgeries, send them home, and then admit the new ones for the day. This RN received a call about a loved one which turned into a family emergency. Nancy didn't skip a beat, she flew through the department, asked for a report on the patients, and encouraged her team member to be with her family. On this day, she took 3 patients, performed all the conscious sedation procedures, and coordinated care for 7 surgeons, 8 anesthesia providers, and 5 RNs. She stayed well beyond her shift to ensure no corners were cut, patients were safe and happy, and the team was stabilized enough for her to leave, 4 hours after her scheduled shift was over. Days like this are not uncommon for Nancy. She is a dedicated nurse and an outstanding team member.