Nancy Davison
January 2021
NCH Healthcare System




Given my contact level of discomfort, and need for services, Nancy showed herself to be among the most attentive, caring, and engaging for me.
I was admitted to NCH after a bicycle crash and fall. After the surgery, I was transferred to Brookdale for follow-up rehab. I was there until discharge. All of my days were met with a consistent and orderly rotation of nurses and techs. Each of the staff members brought forth a clear sense of commitment and dedication to patient care and comfort.
Given my personal background in medicine I had worked with many such dedicated professionals and now being a patient in need of acute care, could see and feel upfront this level of patient service. I met and spoke with as many as 16 nurses over the length of my stay. Each had their own unique personality. I was able to engage with each and got to know them personally. I was also amazed about the level of diversity of them all being from all parts of the world.
However, one stood out for me, by her engaging and pleasant personality, willingness to accommodate my needs no matter the request, and her clear love of her profession and seeing that I had what I needed. Keep in mind, I had a broken right femur and had 3 titanium screws inserted. Given my contact level of discomfort, and need for services, Nancy showed herself to be among the most attentive, caring, and engaging for me. This type of support greatly helped my mental and spiritual state and contributed to my healing, both in mind, body, and spirit.
I wish I could nominate all of your Brookdale nurses. It is not a surprise that having been there, I heard from many outside of the facility about the high quality of care and also I might add, that while there, in particular, the PT room could overhear other interactions of patients and their caregivers and how pleased the patients were with their care.