Morgan Nichols
May 2023
Main Telemetry
Fountain Valley Regional Hospital
Fountain Valley
United States




Morgan is the nurse that all our professors tell us to be during our lectures.
I am a nursing student and I have been coming to Fountain Valley Regional Hospital for my Medical-Surgical rotation. I just wanted to write this email to share my appreciation and experience on the telemetry floor. I had the privilege of shadowing a nurse named Morgan Nichols for a majority of my shifts on the telemetry unit and I can not explain how grateful I am to her.

Out of the almost two years of my clinical rotations, I have never had such a positive experience with a single nurse. She went above and beyond to make my learning experience so impactful and I truly felt like I learned more during the last few weeks with her than any other clinical rotation. She was so patient and understanding and went out of her way to seek educational experiences for me to be a part of. Not only did she go above and beyond for all of her patients and their needs, but also was able to teach me so much during every shift. I feel like Morgan is the nurse that all our professors tell us to be during our lectures - take time with patients, listen, and go the extra mile. I was floored when I learned that she had only been a nurse for less than a year.

Please tell her how much of an impact she had on me during this rotation and has shown me what kind of nurse I hope to be. Thank you for allowing students on the telemetry unit this semester.