Michelle Rodriguez
January 2023
St. Joseph's Hospital
United States




Her effort to make this patient feel cared for and seen was truly exceptional and should not go unrecognized.
For starters, she is an exceptional nurse in any and all circumstances. The situation that struck me as so special was the incredible compassion with which she treated her alert and oriented patient in the ICU this week. This patient did not have visitors and was clearly bored and lonely. She used her downtime to give extra care and attention to this patient. She took the patient on several walks around the unit introducing her to all the staff members along the way. She even brought her computer and chair into the patient's room while she charted so she could chat with and keep her patient company.

As both patients and healthcare workers know, being hospitalized can be an isolating and scary experience. Her effort to make this patient feel cared for and seen was truly exceptional and should not go unrecognized. As a travel nurse, I consider it a privilege to meet and learn from amazing nurses across the country. Her kindness compassion and competence are qualities I will try to exemplify in my practice moving forward. It has been an absolute delight to work alongside such a wonderful nurse. Her patients and coworkers are incredibly lucky to have her on their team.