Michelle Nordman
July 2021
Cardiac Administration
San Antonio Regional Hospital
United States




Having Michelle as a resource was what allowed this patient to get what she needed in a timely, safe, and effective manner.
I would like to recognize Michelle, our stroke RN for the outstanding help she provided to me and my stroke patient. I work in the ER as an RN, we had a code stroke call come in from our ambulance nurse and the only open bed in the department was my room. I already had 3 patients, one of them being a pediatric patient requiring transfer to a children’s hospital for higher level of care. This patient alone was taking up a lot of my nursing cares and time. I had the only available bed, so the code stroke patient would need to come to my assignment. My Charge RN met the patient in CT, and Michelle was quick to meet them there too. She received report from the medics and automatically had the neurologist on-call called. Michelle gave me report when the patient came to my room. This patient ended up requiring TPA and the order for TPA came at the same time transport arrived for my pediatric transport. To say I was overwhelmed would be an understatement. Michelle mixed the medication, we cosigned and witnessed the dose, and Michelle walked me through what needed to be done. I haven’t given TPA since there have been changes to the charting and Michelle educated me on it all. I had to leave the room to help my other patient, but Michelle stayed in the room and monitored the patient throughout the administration and even offered to transport the patient to ICU to give bedside report. Having Michelle as a resource was what allowed this patient to get what she needed in a timely, safe, and effective manner. Michelle is always helpful, always professional, always kind when coming and helping in the ER. I do not know what I would have done without her help on this shift. I know that as a stroke RN it is part of her job to assist, but today, as always, she went above and beyond. Michelle is an amazing asset to our hospital and we are so lucky to have her.