Michele Obrien
November 2017
Eddy SeniorCare
Trinity Health PACE
United States




As one of our participants was progressing through her final months she needed to be hospitalized. Michele stopped by to see how things were progressing and found the situation to not meet her standard "for a family member". She advocated for the participant when they were not able to. Personal care and pain medication were promptly provided. Michele then took it upon herself to follow-up daily through the weekend and in the evenings to ensure that care was maintained to a "family level". As it became apparent that this was an end of life situation, PACE was able to support this participant at home. Michele was there for the final moments and brought comfort to our participant by being by her side. This participant, I know is with us in spirit every day through Michele. She was quite the outgoing, big-hearted, bright, spirited individual and this is seen in Michele daily.