Mendy Pelster
March 2021
UofL Health - Jewish Hospital




Mendy not only took the dog home with her, but she also scheduled an appointment and took it to the groomer and got it all cleaned up.
Mendy was the nurse of a homeless person that had come into our ER. That person needed to be transferred out for admission. They had a dog and had no place for it to go and no one to take care of it, therefore the patient was refusing admission. Mendy not only took the dog home with her, but she also scheduled an appointment and took it to the groomer and got it all cleaned up, and took excellent care of it until the patient was well enough to come back and pick up their dog. Mendy always takes excellent care of her patients, but that day she went way above and beyond her care for that patient. It comforted that patient that someone cared so much for them to take in their dog when they had no place to go.