Melissa Pellizzaro
September 2019
Women and Infants
HSHS St. Joseph Hospital, Breese
United States




From the time I was admitted for early induction of our twins, Melissa's ability to explain everything so clearly in a calm tone of voice was extremely comforting for a concerned/scared/impatient first-time mom of twins with high blood pressure. Melissa made sure I had everything I needed at every minute. After the first night, Melissa made certain to visit me before leaving and ensured me she would be back to care for me/us that evening. Sure enough, we were still there and she was excited to be with us through the journey again that night. She was very understanding of every question, concern or need of mine: increasing the Pitocin to help us get going, decreasing it if it was too much, answering to every whim I had. We made it through another night and she reminded me again she would be back that evening at 5 to hopefully meet our babies. Instead, she returned to me still in labor, but we were getting closer! Melissa was by my side every step again through the delivery of Baby A, encouraging me and coaching me through everything! We laughed, we cried and shared so many special moments. We had some downtime since it was going to be a while before Baby B was going to come. I laid on that operating room table for hours until they finally decided to return me to the delivery room. Melissa helped me change positions, increase medicines, etc, anything to help Baby B come. The doctor finally decided Cesarean was necessary. Melissa's shift was about over but she ensured me she was going to stay by my side until Baby B had arrived. I was so relieved and instantly calmed by her reassertion! Again, we had so many joyous moments and I wouldn't want to share those with anyone else but Melissa with future births. Melissa is amazing, has such a large heart for strangers (even though we aren't really strangers anymore,) had incredible skills and deserves all the best plus some!