Meena Pabbi
October 2023
Universal Care Unit
Sutter Health Eden Medical Center
Castro Valley
United States




She initiated the calls needed to Lab and Pharmacy to coordinate and ensure that everything was aligned so the treatment would not be delayed. The patient and family members were so grateful to see her.
If there is the best way to nominate someone to define "Florence Nightingale" that is Meena from UCU. If she encounters challenges, she will start the conversation with a solution. This isn't limited to her unit only, but she watches for the others as well. She accepts tasks and addresses it by not saying "I" or "Me", but rather "We" to remind her team that they are a TEAM. She will get up and face the family/patient when they come for a concern or clarification, she stays calm and professional as observed multiple times during rounding.

This nomination is to recognize what Meena did when an in-patient needed a Chemotherapy treatment. She was in a class that morning and needed to attend another class, she was not scheduled to work as bedside. She was informed that there was a need for a Chemo RN to assist with this administration, and with no hesitation, she accepted the assignment. She initiated the calls needed to Lab and Pharmacy to coordinate and ensure that everything was aligned so the treatment would not be delayed. The patient and family members were so grateful to see her. They were worried that delaying this treatment would impact the patient's chances of recovering and would hinder her healing process. Meena could have said No, that this was not part of her plan for the day, but she did it because it was the right thing to do for the patient, and she was capable of doing it. Meena is one of a kind who responded to this calling rather than considering Nursing as her profession.