Maryalice Russo
February 2017
Case Management
Westerly Hospital
United States




Maryalice exemplifies what it means to be caring and compassionate. Over the nine-plus years I have known her, she has consistently maintained a professional demeanor and a positive outlook on life. On many occasions, she has provided much needed hope, humor and encouragement to our team.
Her knowledge of her job is vast and substantial. When asked a question about any disease process or clinical scenario, she readily answers with insight, wisdom and proficiency. She has exceptional nursing and clinical experience the likes of which I have never seen before. She has lived everywhere and done everything. She applies her worldly wisdom to every aspect of her job. In all of her encounters, she understands the important nuances which undergird each unique patient situation.
In handoff she carefully and thoroughly dots every "i" and crosses every "t". Her patients always come first. I have personally seen her work long, later hours, work from home, or come in on her days off, just to make certain that her patients receive the attention and quality of care and intervention that they deserve. She will not leave work for the day without being sure that any urgent need or concern is addressed and neatly tied up. This applies to her team members as well. She makes absolutely certain that her team has all of the help they need. She would never dream of going home and leaving one of her co-workers to flounder and struggle. She stays and helps until our work is complete.
One of her most impressive qualities is her ability to know and remember every detail of every patient under her care, and even those who are not. It is almost frightening! This is a reflection of what a wonderful listener she is, and how thoroughly she enjoys her work. She is an extraordinary leader, a resource, a team-player, an advocate and a friend.
For some, it is merely a "job", a means to put food on the table and pay the bills. For her it is engrained in her DNA. She lives and breathes the fine air of nursing care. She embodies the highest standards of empathy, kindness, selflessness and integrity. I want to be just like her when I grow up! She is a true nursing hero and worthy of receiving the DAISY award.
When your wife, husband, son, daughter, mother, father, brother, sister, friend, or anyone you really care about gets admitted to a hospital, it is devastating and stressful experience to say the least. When this unfortunate situation occurs, you are going to want a case manager who is an expert in their field, one who not only has all of the bells and whistles as far as experience and expertise, but one who is regarded by their peers to be the top in their class. Ask any one of the staff members who they turn to for help, information, accountability or assistance with navigating this crazy maze we call "healthcare" and you will find, invariably that Maryalice is considered to be the reigning expert.
She truly cares for the well-being of her patients, and as a result, her patient receives optimal care, both in the hospital and post discharge.
This is a nurse who holds herself to the highest standard of excellence, and by her example, helps to elevate her fellow team members, as well.