Margaret North
December 2021
Same Day Surgery
Hancock Regional Hospital
United States




Margaret was excellent in this, she continuously told me everything that was happening she held my contact and kept me focused on her.
I was in for a hernia repair surgery. During discharge instructions, Margaret was really fun to tease with and we had lots of laughs. About 10 to 15 minutes later as my wife and I began to get ready to leave, I started to have adverse reactions to anesthesia. My oxygen level dropped drastically, my wife went and got Margaret, she immediately jumped to action, she grabbed an oxygen mask and grabbed extra help, somehow.

During my reaction, I was shaking all over, externally gasping for breath and in and out of alertness. Margaret was my strength as I stared at her eyes getting comfort and knowledge to help me know that I was going to be OK. Externally I did not look OK as I could see in the doctors' and nurses' eyes but my numbers medically were fine. The doctor and the nurses stated they have never seen this type of reaction before. That could have scared me but my wife informed them to give me all the information they were doing and thinking so that I could mentally stay in the game. Margaret was excellent in this, she continuously told me everything that was happening she held my contact and kept me focused on her. My episode lasted roughly 45 minutes and talking about it or writing it out does not do justice to what everyone and myself experienced. As I was gasping for air and saying I can't breathe, Margaret was there to assure me that my numbers were good and my body was actually breathing. I had to keep myself mentally in the game or I know I would have been gone and in the care of the medical staff artificially.

When we were moved to ICU, Margaret was very comforting and saddened to leave me and that really warmed my wife's and my hearts. We would love to have gone back somehow to thank her but we hope that with this nomination that she would be chosen and that we will have the chance to personally and publicly say thank you. I know she was in her job mentally and physically but emotionally she was connected with me and helped me stay. From going to laughing and joking during discharge to serious and professional within 10 minutes was awesome to witness even in my state I could notice and my wife felt much comfort through that as well.