Mandie L Allen
May 2023
Mandie L
IU Health Physicians Community Medicine- Sleep Medicine
Indiana University Health Physicians
United States




She has a passion for what she does. Her passion is driven by her past; therefore, she is genuine in everything she does!
Mandie is BEYOND outstanding. She is the true definition of an individual that goes above and beyond. What sets Mandie apart is the fact that she goes above and beyond, not for recognition or personal gain, but purposely for the good of others. Each and every day, she exemplifies all of IU Health’s values plus many more. Mandie will literally stop what she is doing to help anyone.

One time very recently, we were short-staffed, and I really needed help working the front desk. Mandie is our LPN but she has registration knowledge, not because she worked as a registration specialist before, but because she felt the need to step up and become cross-trained to ensure the clinic could always run efficiently. Mandie was out for a doctor’s appointment and she stayed on the phone with me to walk me through the process, all while she was trying to check in for her appointment. After the appointment, Mandie rushed back to her desk to assist me and the patients virtually. Overall, she not only made sure the patients were taken care of, but she was a team player. Although we had got it taken care of while she had her visit, Mandie knew that there were time restrictions, and she took the initiative to help. She did not wait for me to ask for more help, she jumped right in.

While this is only one instance, this is a normal thing for Mandie. Why? Because she has a passion for what she does. Her passion is driven by her past; therefore, she is genuine in everything she does! When we think of nurses, we often think of the clinical impact that [is] left. There is so much more! Showing others that they matter goes a long way. It gets the patients involved and engaged with their own care all while making it feel personalized. As a team, we recognize Mandie as a DAISY Nurse.