Luxmi Sales
February 2023
Community Hospital of Huntington Park
Huntington Park
United States




Luxmi is very passionate about what she does and is always willing to do the extra mile in helping staff and patients alike.
Luxmi, you have a lifetime of professional nursing that has made you the nurse that others aspire to be. Luxmi reminds us of why we became nurses. Luxmi showed me how to be a kind and caring nurse. How to be professional. What is right and what is wrong. How to be a nurse who is not afraid to advocate for her patients and patients' families. Luxmi is very passionate about what she does and is always willing to do the extra mile in helping staff and patients alike. She wears multiple hats, going above and beyond providing compassionate care for critical patients and helping families, guiding new staff. She is a leader and teacher, a charge nurse, a nursing supervisor, and a preceptor. She truly embodies a DAISY Honoree.